
What Are The Wisdom Tooth Symptoms?

Wisdom tooth symptoms appear when you are about 17 years. Sometimes called "third molars" we have four wisdom teeth, but there are people who do not. The main problem with them is that they develop, even when there is not enough space in their jaw. Thus, the teeth become concerned, which gives rise to the end of the problem as gum infections and dental caries. Some wisdom tooth symptoms related to this set of teeth.

Pain: a wisdom tooth can cause extravagant pericoronities (localized infection) arise around the problem area. This causes pain.

Irritation: Due to the space constaint, wisdom teeth can jam. The end result is irritation and discomfort.

Sour throat and nausea: When pericoronitis spreads, be prepared for the sour throat or nausea.

Fever: body temperature can increase and fatigue sets in, not through pericoronities.

Difficulty swallowing: One of the most common symptoms of problems with wisdom teeth is difficulty opening the jaw and swallowing.

Pus: infection around the wisdom tooth can cause pus formed near the rubber.

Swelling of your face swollen face, neck and ears can occur when teeth have erupted in some corners. But the swelling may be due to pericoronitis aggravated.

Lymph glands swell: Patients may experience pain in the throat. This is because the impacted teeth had wreaked havoc on the lymph glands under the jaw.

inflammation of the gums: When a wisdom tooth erupts, the rubber could catch fire.

Cysts or tumors cysts or tumors can form around the wisdom teeth, but such an event is quite rare.

Brushing difficulty: If you have trouble flossing and brushing, it is entirely possible that the wisdom tooth is ugliness.

Chewing problems: wisdom tooth concerned may eventually cause mouth ulcers. When this happens, chewing becomes a Herculean task.

Pain, oh the pain: In addition to pain in the jaw, be prepared for a headache as well.

Foul mouth Infected wisdom teeth can cause bad breath.

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