
What is The Brain Tumor Symptoms?

The brain tumor symptoms vary from patient to patient, and most of these symptoms can also be found in individuals without brain tumors. So the only way to know if you really have a brain tumor or a Cancer or not is to see your doctor and get a brain scan.

Brain Tumor Symptoms

Headache is a symptom that is common with 46% of patients with tumors. They described this headache in a different way and for no reason is a sure sign of a brain tumor for many. Maybe most people have headaches at some point in their life, then it is certainly not a sign of brain tumors. You should talk with your doctor if your headaches are different than what you've ever had, with nausea / vomiting, aggravated by bending or effort to go to the bathroom.

Seizures: It 'was the second most frequently reported symptom, with 33% of patients reporting a seizure before the diagnosis was made. Seizures can be caused by other things, such as high fever, epilepsy, stroke, trauma and other disorders. It is a symptom that should never be ignored, regardless of the cause. In a person who has never had a crisis before, it usually indicates something serious and you should get a brain scan.

A crisis is a sudden change in behavior and involuntary, muscle control, consciousness, and / or sensation.brain tumor symptoms can vary from attack and sudden loss of consciousness bustle total of violent shaking or tremor of a limb. A person can experience blurred vision, slurred speech, or staring into space and make other strange behavior, while having a seizure. About 10% of the US population will experience a single seizure in their life.

Nausea and vomiting: As with headaches, are not specific - which means that most of the people who have nausea and vomiting do not have a brain tumor. Twenty-two percent of respondents said our nausea / vomiting as a symptom.

Nausea and / or vomiting are more likely to look for a brain tumor that is accompanied by other symptoms mentioned here.

Problems with vision or hearing: Twenty-five percent reported problems before vision. It is not easy, if you have a problem with hearing or sight, to extract. I have often heard that the ophthalmologist is the first to make the diagnosis. When you look into his eyes, sometimes you can see the signs anymore. Intracranial pressure, as it should be studied.

Problems with the weakness of the arms, legs and muscles of the face and feelings in the head or hands: Twenty-five percent reported a weakness in the arms or legs. Sixteen percent expressed feelings of strange sensations and weird in the head there. This can lead to gait, falling objects, falls, or the expression of the face asymmetric. These may be symptoms of a stroke. Sudden onset of symptoms is an emergency situation - you should go for medical emergencies. If you notice a gradual change over time, you should know.

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