
What Causes Cancer and How to Prevent It?

What causes cancer? We would all like to know the answer to this question, because the cancer seems to be invincible and once the cancer, which are considered to have little chance of doing so. Understand the main causes of cancer is the first and most important step in the prevention and treatment as cancer. One you understand what cancer is and how it works, then you can do much to ensure that you never have this deadly disease.

What causes cancer

Frankly, cancer is not really a disease in itself. It's just that their own body cells have assumed an abnormal function, which is due to damage to normal operation. These are abnormal cells that need to be brought under control. People do not know this, but the body actually produces cancer cells by the thousands every day. But in most cases, normal, healthy cells to take care of these cancer cells. When normal cells can not keep cancer cells under control, then is diagnosed with cancer.

It takes many years for cancer to develop to the point where you can actually detect. Lifestyle is the number one cause of cancer and lifestyle change is necessary to overcome cancer and also to keep under control. When you do not change your lifestyle, the cancer can easily return because the conditions of his return is good. Even when you are able to cure cancer tumor with surgery or chemotherapy and the tumor may return because the tumor itself is only a symptom.

A strong and healthy immune system is the key to the treatment and prevention of cancer. You can think of cancer as a chronic disease that stays with you for life. By changing your lifestyle for the positive and maintain a strong immune system, and cancer can not live in such conditions. But once the bad habits and lifestyle back, much better conditions for developing cancer.

One of the main problems with conventional cancer treatments is to destroy the immune system, rather than strengthen it. This is an important reason why cancer seems to come and when it does, cancer cells are much more aggressive.

Proper diet and exercise is essential for cancer treatment. Not to mention the fact that most people do not get enough vitamins and minerals. I am sure that your diet is far from what it could be, you can always do more exercise and then not get enough vitamins and minerals.

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