
Types of Group Therapy Activities

Group therapy activities are informally to help people who are victims of unstable minds. These activities enable fast recovery in a fun way. Then take a look at some of the hidden benefits of these interesting games and learn to play them.

Most therapy modules are designed to make patients talk about their problems to find the root cause. However, a patient may not always respond to a conventional therapy of this type. Bring some fun with treatment can help patients make better and faster front. Group therapies are the perfect combination of fun, frolic and medical treatment. Provide a platform to understand and be understood. For example, "Alcoholics Anonymous" (AAA) is a group of men and women that helps members to free themselves from the yoke of alcohol abuse. Use the media to promote "stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety." Members are given the opportunity to open up and share their experiences. Collect, share experiences and solve the problem of collectively keep motivated group and individual patients.

Group Therapy Activities

Ice Breakers

Icebreakers are also known as energize activities or heating. Focus on creating a positive environment, breaking all kinds of initial barriers, motivate participants and people thinking outside the box. Animal Sounds is a great activity for icebreakers therapy group. Blind fold everyone and give everyone a pet name. Making recognize each other by the sound of their animal sounds. This will help the association and involves a lot of energy. 'Two Lies and Truth "is another fun way to have group therapy exercises. To play this each player must list two lies and a truth about himself. As participants read aloud one by one, the others have to guess what lies and what is the truth.


Disturbed minds struggling with relationships both in the front, to personal and professional. Minefield 'is the best activity for group therapy. Divide members in pairs of two and one blind. Sprinkle many things around the place and makes the person leads another by him instructions to collect items without tripping over everything. At the end of the game developed to assess the level of confidence. Allowing people exchange partners and find out which pair worked best and why. Make them go through the analysis, is the only way they will learn to trust and build a relationship with the other. The other activities of group therapy and establishing trust relationships, wind in El Sauce, Trust Lean and Running Free.

Fear in a hat
These activities help understand the strengths and liabilities. To play "Fear in a hat" to all participants anonymously write their fears on a piece of paper and collect the hem in a hat. Then, one by one, each person will have to get up to see the fear and how you may feel. This helps empathy and understanding of fear in a new light. Speaking of fear also helps the person much with him. Another interesting set of group therapy is "time alone in nature." Go for a nature trail and nature watching in silence. When you come to write about it and make interpretations.

Have all participants form a circle while one is in the center of the circle. The person standing in the center must have a rigid posture with hands and feet together. As facilitator whistles, the person should fall freely sideways, backwards or forwards. What direction it may fall, others have to push the upright position. Each participant should be able to be at the center of the circle to learn to trust other players.

Leisure activities

Group recreational activities for stress management. Activities such as dance, painting, composition and music are ways of expressing innate emotions. Participating in these activities allows the mind to wander more knowledge, giving you a place to discover fill with inspiration again.

These group therapy activities are mainly aimed at helping a deal with behavior problems. Many psychologists used to improve and correct speech also destructive tendencies. The activities mentioned above can also be used as therapy activities adolescent group. Therapy well planned and formulated group can make a profound change for better quality of life.

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