
What is Constipation and How To Relieve It ?

What is Constipation? Constipation is a condition that causes irregular bowel movements that are painful or difficult bowel movements that are hard consistency. Only irregular bowel movements does not mean that because you are constipated stool frequency may vary from three times a day to once a week in normal people. Therefore, hard stools that are difficult to pass stools or rarely accompanied by abdominal pain, back pain, abdominal bloating and constipation define true. Other symptoms of constipation include bloating, discomfort and slow. Constipation can be acute or chronic. Acute constipation begins suddenly and visibly. Chronic constipation can begin insidiously and persist for months or years.

The number of bowel movements are generally less with age. Eighty-five percent of adults have bowel movements three to 21 times per week, which is considered normal. The most common pattern is an evacuation day, but this trend is visible in less than half of those. Furthermore, most people are irregular and have no stool every day or the same number of stools per day. A person suffering from constipation occurs often or always hard stools that may be hard to pass.

The person may also feel as if the rectum is not completely emptied. Stools may be so rare. Many people think they are constipated if they have a bowel movement every day. However, daily bowel movements are not normal for everyone, and have less frequent bowel movements do not necessarily indicate a problem unless there has been a substantial change in the previous models. The same is true of the color and consistency of stool; unless there is a major change, the person probably does not have constipation.

How to relieve constipation?

Although constipation is an embarrassing topic, many refuse to talk about this condition affects everyone at some point. In fact, some people living with chronic constipation. It is classified by the persistent difficulty passing stools. Many factors contribute to constipation. In some cases, the reasons are clear and easily solved by making some adjustments in diet. For example, people with poor eating habits are more prone to constipation, unlike a person who eats a healthy serving of fruits and vegetables. Of course, too much of a good thing can also cause problems. Moreover, eating too much fiber can also cause constipation.

Constipation is defined as the state in which a person has difficulty to pass stool and chair less than three times a week. These stool can become dry and hard causing difficult to remove. If constipation is not dangerous time. But if left untreated, it can become chronic. But how to treat or relieve constipation? This is the question asked by most people suffering from constipation. Here is the answer for her. There are many ways to relieve constipation.

The diet is a cure for the most common home to relieve constipation. Water is the best fluid to relieve constipation because it plays an important role in maintaining and bowel function. Drink a glass of water in the morning and add a teaspoon of honey in it and drink the night before going to bed Drink at least six to eight glasses of water every day. Keep water overnight in a copper vessel and drink in the morning gives better results. Take a glass of water with lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of ghee in it when going to bed This also helps relieve constipation.

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