
Causes and Treatment of Newborn Constipation

So your child has not been able to shit for a while 'and you're absolutely worried as a good parent should. How do you deal with Newborn constipation? Better yet, how do you treat your child without constipation side effects? Constipation in infants and newborns can be a very traumatic experience for parents who are experiencing the first time.This is not unusual given the fact that parents are aware of the hazards associated with the tendency of the body to reabsorb the toxins deposited in the colon.

First, you need to know what caused your child's constipation.

Constipation in children is caused by several factors. Chief among them is the transition from breast milk to formula. Also, you might want to check if your child is eating properly. If your baby passes meconium still three days after delivery, it probably means that the child does not eat very well. The weather also plays an important role in determining the frequency of the child would "go." Children have been known to be able to shit for three days the end time hot.

Another cause of  Newborn constipation is the formula that is used for infant feeding. The child may react to different types of formula if you suddenly switch formulas. So if after the formulas you notice the child began constipating, then it is probably because of the formula feeds the baby with. You can also change the amount of formula you give your child to a point in time and increase or decrease the frequency of feeding with formula. Also increase the amount of water you give your child. If your child shows signs of improvement in the stool, know that it is a result of inadequate water intake. It is also possible to control your pediatrician regarding the amount of iron in the formula.

Note that children need more iron; it is important that you are sure of the amount of iron they need before going on a diet low in iron as a way to treat any newborn constipation. Also, you can try bathing the baby in a baby bathtub with the water a bit 'above the level of the stomach. While swimming, try massaging the stomach. Sometimes it may just be that the child could just "go" right there and then. If you try this and do not work, you need more help. There are many alternative remedies Newborn constipation easy baby.

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