
Foods Tips For Best Constipation Diet

Constipation is your problem? You need not be concerned about your situation. Constipation is a condition for this is the easiest to treat, is whether there are other medical problems, except the simple hardening of stools. Your concern may be easily resolved to take their diet constipation right. In fact, there are many remedies constipation but the food has been identified as the first of all those responsible, liquid and exercise is in order constipation diet. As supply should be addressed, you should know which foods should be eaten and the foods that are believed allies of constipation.

Foods to eat

There are many types of foods that will help to relieve your constipation. You may not be aware of and be surprised by the power of fruit and vegetables. You know that these are very high in fiber? And the fiber is the great solution to constipation. Fiber that goes intestine after being digested binds with water in the intestine. The fiber added to the mass of the seat which, when softened by the fluid can easily pass.

Fruits and vegetables - yes, they are the best sources of fiber and your body needs five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Although almost all vegetables are beneficial, there are those who really have the fiber to the maximum. These are green leafy vegetables, broccoli, lettuce, celery, lentils and peas. Fruits have fiber; However, the best sources of fiber are those consumed with skin. Apples and grapes are good suppliers of fiber and are best when eaten with their skin. There are dried fruits that are loaded with fiber, such as prunes and raisins.

Other foods rich in fiber are whole grains such as wheat flour, oats and whole wheat bread. Bran, cashews and peanuts are other sources. You should be aware that the high fiber needs water or liquids. Fiber adds bulk to the intestines, which must be flexible to pass. Without enough water, the fiber will not be very helpful and may actually be harmful, cause other symptoms of constipation.

Foods to avoid

There are harmful foods? Not all the right foods for your body? Foods are in fact necessary for the body, but there are those that, if taken in excess and without water or liquids become guilty of constipation. Examples of foods that can be classified as allies of constipation are fatty foods, fast food and fried foods. Processed foods contain little fiber, sometimes completely devoid of the natural activator defecation. These foods are white bread, cheese and meat. Excessive amounts of dairy products and foods with a lot of refined sugar are the drivers of constipation.

If water and fruit juices and vegetables are good for eliminating constipation, there are some drinks that are against the movement of the intestine. Beverages that should be avoided are carbonated soft drinks, coffee and tea.

Now that you know the different foods to eat and avoid, you better watch your constipation diet and follow the instructions on foods that are pros and cons of a good bowel movement. Always keep in mind to eat a lot of foods rich in fiber and also control the amount of water you drink.

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