
Get Treated For Sinus Infection Symptoms

Many people are unfamiliar with the disease known as "sinus infection symptoms." In fact, mild sinusitis usually disappear on their own if their immune system is not compromised. However, some people are predisposed to this condition due to certain factors. Some of these factors include:

1. Genetic factors. Our genetic inheritance has a great influence on the types of foods and environmental factors that trigger an allergic reaction in the body.

2. Anatomy of our noses. People with a deviated septum has a higher chance of suffering from a sinus infection, and those with enlarged turbinated.

3. The accidents have led to changes in the structure of the nose.

What are the most common causes of sinus infection?

Most people who suffer their first sinus infection usually receive an episode of common cold virus or flu. Nasal congestion is the culprit because it prevents good ventilation and air renewal clogged sinus and nasal passages.

This provides a perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow crops, which leads to a sinus infection. Abnormally increased mucus production is caused by inflammation of the lining provided by the above mentioned diseases.

The cold causes congestion in the nasal passages and inhibits the drainage of the sinuses. When influenza our nasal passages are filled with mucus caused by the accumulation of white blood cells in the mucosa of the nose. Generally, a flu remains for a period of one week. After that we usually find, but leaves our sinus inflammation.

So how to differentiate between a cold, the flu virus and sinus infection Nasal congestion is a common symptom?

To assess whether you have a sinus infection you can, you should be aware of the following:

Top 10 of the symptoms of sinus infection

1. Puffy eyes and a persistent headache low grade on the front, especially in the morning.

2. Pain or discomfort in the areas between and around the eyes is especially worse in the morning.

3. The facial pain. The pain is usually felt in the areas of bone structure underneath the eye sockets.

4. A chronic sore throat that often appears.

5. Toothache in the upper jaw, usually affecting the molars.

6. Persistent nasal congestion.

7. The eyes are sensitive to bright light, especially in the morning.

8. Thick, opaque or yellow / green nasal discharge, sometimes nauseating.

9. Otis media (inner ear infection) .This is caused by a dysfunction of the Stanchion tube when the sticky mucus that finds its way into the tubes.

10. A persistent cough. This is caused by the nasal mucus thick, continuously flowing from the back of the misanthropy.

These are the 10 most common symptoms of sinus infection. It should be emphasized that early treatment of infection in the sinuses is essential if needed. This is because if the lining within is allowed to be continuously inflamed, chronic sinusitis and treatment will occur at this stage can be difficult, even with modern drugs.

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