
Innovative Cavity Treatment

An innovative cavity treatment, designed by scientists at King's College London, announced this week, can eliminate the need for drilling, injections and even pain.

Instead of removing the decay and filling a cavity with synthetic materials, accelerated and increased power remineralization (HERS) encourages teeth to fend for themselves.
Reverse the process of decomposition by the acceleration of natural agglomeration of calcium and phosphate in tooth mineral, causing it to re-mineralize and restore your health technician.

With the fight against tooth decay, it can also be used to whiten teeth, according to Professor Nigel Pitts Dental Institute at King's College London.

"Not only our kinder to the patient and better for your teeth device," Pitts said, "but it is expected to be at least as profitable as current cavity treatment."
The two-step technique is first prepared the rotten nail and then sends electrical currents to trace minerals that promote natural repair process.

According to investigators, the electric currents used in yours are so small that the patient can not feel.
Pitts said the product could revolutionize dentistry.
"The way we treat your teeth is not perfect today," Pitts said, explaining, "When we repair a tooth, put in a filling, the tooth enters a cycle of drilling and refilling of the final score, each" repairing "fault".

The research team was a spin-off company called Reminova to market its device HERS.
Financing activities are the study and treatment could be available within three years.

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