
Causes and Treatments of Back Muscle Spasms

A common cause of back muscle Spasms. A spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle often painful. Spasms often occur in the muscles of the back, as these muscles rely heavily both when moving and sitting or standing.

Back Muscle Spasms indicates that the muscle is short of energy. Muscles are based on a cycle of contraction / relaxation nutrients and waste to pump in and out. Oxygen and electrolytes are delivered by the blood to the muscles during this cycle, ensuring they have the energy to work.

A muscle loses power when kept in the same position for an extended period of time, when you feel overwhelmed or when overused. If I sit for a long time, the muscles of the lower back will not receive nutrients and fresh oxygen from the blood to continue to support the upper body. If you slouch or hyper-extend your lower back muscles will be overwhelmed. The muscles to try to hire protect against tearing. If you have an overuse injury, the muscle has worked hard and did not have a chance to relax, get rid of their waste and enjoy fresh blood.

To guard against another movement, a muscle that is short for energy contracts in force. Inflammation around the injured muscles also thought to promote spasms because it disrupts normal nerve signals to the muscles involved.

The main symptoms are muscle spasm:

Localized pain in the affected muscle, starting a movement or after activity
Muscle tightness
Tangible muscle swelling


Back Muscle Spasms can become chronic if: you have a muscle imbalance causes a muscle to constantly overwhelmed; Normal static position holding for long periods of time, especially with poor posture; you practice improper body mechanics lead to overuse injuries, such as poor lifting technique; you are an athlete who constantly abuses of certain muscle groups.

Acute spasms often reside in seconds or minutes. Spasms chronic, treatment depends on the situation that caused the problem. General methods of treatment for muscle spasms are:

Rest for one or two days
Ice for the first two days
The gentle stretching after the rest period
The application of heat after gentle stretching

People with chronic spasms combine these general approaches to specific measures for the cause to change their harmful behavior. Those who have muscle imbalances will benefit from working with a physical therapist trained to identify and correct the imbalance. A combination of myofascial release tense muscles and specific exercise for muscles, weak with excess work will help prevent spasms in the future.

If you maintain a normal position for an extended period of time, a change in lifestyle is in order. To avoid further spasms, you will need to find ways to keep moving all day. Those who have desk jobs, for example, can opt out of their seats every hour or two and take a walk around the office or stretch their offices.

Overuse injuries typically require a review of patterns of posture and movement. Athletes benefit from myofascial release and strengthening weak muscle groups to provide better muscular balance. Those who have jobs that require lifting can benefit from recycling movement as the Alexander technique. This treatment program can be continued under the direction of a trained professional or independently - and free - from home.

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