
Get Cognitive Bias Modification Therapy

Cognitive Bias Modification or CBM, is a revolutionary new computer therapy designed to reprogram your brain to avoid damaging cognitive biases that can cause a number of psychiatric disorders including anxiety, depression and addiction.

It is well known that people with social anxiety tend to focus more on the threatening or upset than friendly faces. This is a cognitive bias that has nothing to do with conscious thought processes. This is a way of pre-conscious mind which can now finally be able to change due to this revolutionary new therapy.

Depressed people tend to focus more on the negative rather than the positive aspects of daily events. What if you could train your brain in minutes a day without talking to a therapist, to stop literally see the dark side of everything, but instead of focusing on the positive?

A new research currently underway at major research institutions such as Harvard University and the University of Oxford, shows that cognitive bias modification change has the potential to act as a "cognitive vaccine" to protect your mind from harmful practices thinking that can lead to debilitating social and psychological disorders.

The investigation is ongoing and this therapy is still in development, but cognitivebiasmodification.com monitors progress on a daily basis and is committed to making this revolutionary new technology available to those who need it most.

If you are interested in the therapy of CBM, would like updates on the progress of the investigation or for information about where and how to access the cognitive bias modification therapy in the future, please enter your name and email address on the list contact below and we will contact you when it becomes available. All communications will include an unsubscribe link if you want to be removed from the list.

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